Good Morning!
Avocados – Remain tight with farmers holding back product to keep pricing strong. The market is expected to remain strong and supply tight on some sizes. Quality remains good.
Blueberries – Chili and Peru are winding down right now, but Florida is expected to begin production this coming week.
Broccoli– Coming from multiple areas now and pricing is very favorable and reflecting the strong supplies.
Cabbage – After a successful St. Patrick’s Day, cabbage continues to be in good quality, supply and harvesting in several areas. Deals continue to be available.
Eggs – Fewer Avian flu outbreaks and lighter demand at the recent higher pricing have brought egg prices down for this coming week. We’ll see if this trend continues.
Grapes – Continue at glut levels, with the overlap in seasons bringing more grapes than shippers can sell. Pricing is about as low as it gets right now.
Lettuce – Growers are looking toward the northern transition with anticipation of new fields and fresher lettuces. Quality has been very good this season, but should still improve with the transition to new areas.
Onions – Mexico has begun their new crop and supplies and are very heavy and quality is excellent. The overlap in seasons between old crop and new crop onions are keeping pricing very low.
Potatoes – Baking potato supplies are still good and strong, with pricing about as low as it gets. Red and gold potatoes are a bit tighter and more expensive than the baking potatoes.
Strawberries – Our local growers are expecting a great season and should start in about 3 weeks.
Tomatoes – Prices continued to climb last week and supplies shortened dramatically. Warmer weather will help supplies as we near spring.
Q: What do you call a magician that loses his magic? A: Ian