Good Morning! Local Produce – Squash, Zucchini, and Cucumbers are starting again. The cool nights this week are slowing production from the vines, but they’re producing. Tomatoes are still going strong and melons are still widely available. Apples – We continue to have good supplies of apples for this time of year out of Washington and on imports from Chile as well. Most varieties and packs have good availability, and quality is holding up very nicely this season. Supplies out of storage in Washington are still above average for this time of year on many varieties. There are a few varieties and packs that have tightened a little and are resulting in some higher pricing. Citrus – Valencia orange and lemon markets continue to be elevated due to limited availability and a reduction in crop size. Excessive heat in California has limited harvesting windows. Subsequently, there is a surcharge on labor wages. The heat has taken a toll on quality, so expect mostly choice grades available. Crops were originally projected to have larger yields this season, but use caution as supply is going to get tighter as we move through August. Corn – Fresh sweet corn is in huge volumes in the north and quality and pricing are excellent! Eggs – Markets always climb in the heat of summer, with many egg farms losing chickens in the hot weather. This year as well farmers are dealing with the avian flu causing the destruction of millions of laying hens. The shorter supplies are keeping pricing strong. Surprisingly, the higher prices are only effecting white eggs. Our cage free eggs are at a locked price, thus we get a better egg for our customers at a lower price than typical white eggs. Potatoes – Some growing areas are beginning harvest now for their fall crop of reds, whites, yukons and even russets. We have our first shipment of new crop Idaho baking potatoes on the road headed this way and we’re looking forward to fresh new potatoes and improved quality. Q: Why do fish swim in salt water? A: Because pepper water makes them sneeze.
Good Morning! Local Produce – Squash, Zucchini, and Cucumbers are starting again. The cool nights this week are slowing production from the vines, but they’re producing. Tomatoes are still going strong and melons are still widely available. Apples – We [...]