Good morning! Asparagus – Mexico continues to experience tight volumes, though production is gradually increasing as the weather cools down to temperatures more suitable for asparagus. We anticipate improvement around the last week of October, with peak production expected in November, just in time for the Thanksgiving pull. Peru is seeing strong production, and we don’t anticipate any issues in meeting demand as we prepare for the holidays. Blueberries – Have finally become widely available again as Argentine and Chilean fruit makes it to our shores. Prices are way down on beautiful berries. Broccoli and Cabbage – are beginning locally and will continue until frost. Corn – Georgia is just starting up but they’re finding a lot of stalks blown over from Hurricane Helene, fortunately Milton quickly skipped across Florida and didn’t affect Georgia. Product remains extremely limited, though they expected the crop to rebound in a couple of weeks. The cold weather this week has further slowed growth making corn even more tight right now. Melons – Mexican farmers are well into their season now and quality and volumes are very good. Pricing is down due to the lower freight costs on shorter delivery routes. They have plenty of cantaloupe, honeydews and watermelons, though the cooler months see a lot less demand than summertime. Oranges – Quality has improved dramatically with the start of California’s Navel season. This fruit is one of the best on the market and we look forward to a great season. Peppers – Volume in Georgia continues to be down. Yields are lower due to the bloom drop that they had during the storms. Farmers continue to harvest but please be aware that overall volume is lower. Markets are trending higher. Expect colored peppers to increase also, as the farmers will pick the peppers green to get the high prices, not letting the pepper ripen to red, yellow or orange. Potatoes – Harvest continues on russets with Idaho leading the way. Overall quality and sizing are good. Pricing is very good across the board and we believe it will stay that way until the Thanksgiving demand increases. They’re finally making a documentary about the most famous clocks. It’s about time.
Good morning! Asparagus – Mexico continues to experience tight volumes, though production is gradually increasing as the weather cools down to temperatures more suitable for asparagus. We anticipate improvement around the last week of October, with peak production expected in [...]