Good Morning!
Tariffs – We’ve received a lot of questions from customers, friends, and even the news station asking about our opinion on the proposed tariffs on Mexico and Canadian produce. Our opinion is that it will have very little, if any, effect on produce prices. They are dictated more by demand of customers and end users and the available supply. If tariffs raise prices on fresh fruits and vegetables to a point that they are not attractive to the buyer, they simply won’t sell. So, the farmer, importer, or shipper selling the items will be forced to drop the price to a level that they sell again. This balancing of supply and demand already happens every week in the produce world and keeps everything moving.
Avocados – We’re in the run up to Super Bowl Sunday (GO CHIEFS) and avocados are generally the star of the show that weekend. This will be the highest demand period of the season. Fortunately, the growers have caught up with demand this week and pricing is down considerably, so enjoy your Game Day Guac!
Broccoli – Is coming from multiple areas now and pricing is very favorable and reflecting the strong supplies.
Eggs – Extremely limited production due to Avian Flu and the flock kills that were required to combat it are keeping egg prices at their highest levels in memory. Our farmers have had a great run, but they’re running short and pro-rating orders now. We have limited availability on eggs now, much like everyone else in the country. The humble egg is getting a lot of attention now.
Melons and Pineapples – Supplies are catching up to demand on melons, and pricing is starting to slide.
Squash – Zucchini is widely available from Florida and Mexico, but yellow squash faces troubles from scarring, which is limiting the product available to ship.
Potatoes – Idaho has a great crop and the surge in demand for the holiday season is now passed. Pricing has settled in at very favorable levels for a while.
Strawberries – Going into Valentine’s Day, pricing and demand are usually both very strong. Florida has cranked up their strawberry machine, though, and supplies remain plentiful this week. We should see a good supply going into Lover’s Week. Also, we’ll have Long Stem Berries for your dessert specials this week.
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar… You can’t tell me that’s a coincidence!