Asparagus – Became extremely tight over the past few weeks as Mexico finished their season and left Peru as the only production area. Supplies are very limited and prices are high. Avocados – Remain limited on the new harvests and [...]
Avocados – Remain limited on the new harvests and pricing remains higher with the limited supply. Berries – Domestic blueberry growers are finishing up, though there are still limited amounts coming from California. Strawberry fields are transitioning to new growing [...]
Happy Labor Day! Avocados – Remain extremely limited on the new harvests and pricing remains higher with the limited supply. Berries – Domestic blueberry growers are finishing up, though there are still limited amounts coming from California. Strawberry fields are [...]
Asparagus – There seems to be more than enough asparagus to go around and prices are headed lower. Avocados – Remain extremely limited on the new harvests and pricing remains higher with the limited supply. Berries – Domestic blueberry farmers [...]
Asparagus – There seems to be more than enough asparagus to go around and prices are headed lower. Avocados – Are beginning their new season in Mexico, and prices jumped last week with the shorter supplies. Berries – Blueberries are [...]
Asparagus – Supplies are much improved and prices are down on the stronger harvests. Quality is really nice from new, fresh fields. Berries – Blueberries are still going here in North Carolina, but supplies are dwindling fast. Our northern neighbors [...]
North Carolina farmers have finished up the first harvest of many items, like cucumbers, squashes and are winding up blueberries. They’ll have a second round of harvests in a couple of weeks as new fields come to maturity. Asparagus – [...]
North Carolina farmers have finished up the first harvest of many items, like cucumbers, squashes and are winding up blueberries. They’ll have a second round of harvests in a couple of weeks as new fields come to maturity. Asparagus – [...]
North Carolina farmers are harvesting plenty of product and a wide range of items now and we’re enjoying a great season! Asparagus – Remains VERY short right now. Demand exceeds supply in all markets. Limited production and heavy demand is [...]
North Carolina farmers are harvesting plenty of items now and we’re looking forward to a great season! Asparagus – is VERY short right now. Demand exceeds supply in all markets. Limited production and heavy demand is driving pricing skywards. Berries [...]
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