Avocados – Continue to rise as Mexican farmers make the transition from old crop to new crop fields. New crop fruit has lower oil content than older fruit and will ripen more slowly, so keep this in mind when buying. [...]
Local Produce – Many items were just getting cranked up last week until the rains shut down production. Besides the damage that the rain does to the produce, when the fields are this wet the farmers and pickers cannot get [...]
Local Produce – Many items are coming into season locally. The list is long and growing. We now have local corn, squash, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, blueberries and more on the way! Hurray for Summertime! Avocados – Mexican farmers are [...]
Cherries – Fresh cherry season is here! Get them while they’re in season, because they are SO delicious. Asparagus – Most of the domestic product is wrapping up, but Peru is really cranking up. Supplies are stronger and pricing is [...]
Strawberries – Local strawberries are in peak production, and they have been beautiful! The cooler weather we’ve been having will hopefully stretch out the season a little longer than usual, as it’s usually summer heat that finishes it up. Avocados [...]
Happy Memorial Day! Avocados – Pretty weather in the avocado groves has good harvests during the middle of the season. Markets are stable as we move into warmer months and higher demand. Cabbage – Has started locally, so pricing is [...]
Peaches – East coast peaches have started their season! Quality is really nice and should continually improve as we get further into the season and they size up. They always start out on the smaller side, but we should be [...]
Happy Mother’s Day! Blueberries – Our local farmers have started their season. Prices and quality are starting out great. We’re expecting a great harvest which should last until July or so. Feature blueberries on your summer menus. Asparagus – We [...]
Asparagus – We are featuring standard local asparagus from Faison in Sampson County right now. It doesn’t get fresher than this! Avocados – Pretty weather in the avocado groves has good harvests during the middle of the season. Markets are [...]
Eggs – We’re seeing an easing of demand after the Easter Holiday. Prices are down, and white eggs are lower than Cage Free eggs for the first time in over a year. We have white eggs back in stock and [...]